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Project title and Identification: Protection monitoring and durable solutions

Project Location: Kosovo wide

Brief Background of the Project

UNHCR’s operation in Kosovo has progressively evolved throughout the years from humanitarian assistance to advocacy and capacity building. As Kosovo endeavors to strengthen its institutions, UNHCR has assumed a supportive role to the authorities in an effort to help designing strategies for the adoption of the most appropriate durable solutions for the displaced population within and outside Kosovo.

UNHCR and its implementing partners in Kosovo have an essential role in monitoring and protecting the human rights of voluntary returnees. Persons returning to their homes/places other than homes after a period of displacement can be particularly vulnerable to human rights violations and may require specific protection interventions. Human rights monitoring addresses the protection needs of returnees at several levels: in preparation for returning home; during the return process; and in the period of reintegration following return. At all stages, it is important for human rights monitors with the knowledge of the relevant international instruments and domestic legal and policy framework which provide protection against such risks, to be able to identify potential protection risks returnees may face and find and advocate for appropriate solutions to be provided by the responsible authorities.

Protection monitoring involves the monitoring of trends and developments vis-à-vis the returnee population through the monitoring of general conditions of return and reintegration, including respect for human rights, general security and access to basic services, including housing and land disputes, documentation, etc. Conditions in certain Municipalities shall improve based on joint assessments and planning through Action Plans in accordance with the needs of displaced population.

Goal/Objective, Expected Outcome and Main Activities:

Goal: Reintegration

Objective 1: Potential of voluntary returns realized

Indicator: Extent return has been voluntary and in safety and dignity

Expected outcome: Engagement of municipalities in creation of conditions conducive for returns

Main activities: Introducing Municipal Action Plans for 10 selected municipalities, which will be fed by the outcomes of the displaced persons needs assessment exercise conducted in the region. Support authorities in assessment of conditions, risks, sustainability of future returns through engagement of all relevant actors. Targeted capacity building activities will be conducted.

Objective 2: Reintegration made more sustainable

Indicator: Extent returnees have same access to rights as other citizens

Expected outcome: Through systematic protection monitoring exercise, ensure a process involving the progressive establishment of conditions, which enable returnees (former refugees and IDPs) to exercise their social, economic, civil, political and cultural rights, and on that basis they enjoy peaceful and dignified lives.

Main activities

  • Conduct field monitoring of conditions of return and human rights situation of all minority returnees through identification, interviews, focus group discussion as well as detailed assessments.
  • Report on the identified protection gaps. Interact on regular basis with municipal departments and MOCRs including referrals of the needs and protection concerns of individuals and central level authorities, mainly Ministry for Communities and Returns.
  • Monitor and report on compliance and response capacity of the responsible authorities.

Intended Population of Concern

The project will address durable solutions and reintegration, namely needs of the internally displaced persons and voluntary minority returnees from the region and within Kosovo.

Project Period [estimated start and end dates of project]: 01 February 2016 – 31 December 2016

Submission Deadline: 04 January 2016

Date Decision Results to be Communicated to Applicants: 15 January 2016

Selection Criteria

Sector expertise and experience

The NGO should be registered under the applicable legal acts and should present the specific skills, knowledge and human resources that will be able to implement above specified project.

Assigned Weighting: 30%

Project management

The NGO should present its ability to deliver project objectives, accountability mechanisms and sound financial management, taking into account the audit results of the previous UNHCR-funded projects, past performance and the external audit of partners’ financial statements, where applicable.

Assigned Weighting: 20%

Local experience and presence

The NGO should present the ongoing programme and local expertise in the area of operation; ongoing programme in the area of operation.

Assigned Weighting: 15%

Contribution of resources

The NGO should present the evidenced and documented contribution of resources to the Project in cash or in-kind (e.g. human resources, supplies and/or equipment) presently available (or potentially mobilized) in order to supplement UNHCR resources.

Assigned Weighting: 5%

Cost effectiveness:

The NGO should clearly present detailed budget proposal with level of direct costs and administrative costs imposed on the Project in relation to project deliverables.

Assigned Weighting: 15%

Experience working with UNHCR

The NGOs preferably should be familiar of UNHCR policies, practices and programmes, including an understanding of and ability to work within UNHCR’s funding limitations and associated inherent risks.

Partners that have three consecutive qualified audit opinions for UNHCR-funded projects may not be considered.

Assigned Weighting: 10%

Experience working with International Organizations

The NGO should present documents showing the experience working with any other International Organization.

Assigned Weighting: 5%

Other information

Interested Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should submit a Concept Note to UNHCR OCM in Pristina. The concept notes should be delivered in an sealed envelope to the below specified address and by e-mail to

The electronic form of the Concept Note document is available and should be requested by e-mail to

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